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Thredbo Hikes Track Report | 1 December

Posted on 2 Dec, 2019

Summer is here, may the sun shine and the wind rest!! The snow melt has been steady with temperatures increasing allowing for the alpine to turn lush and green. The Felted and Gunns Buttercups are about to finish up, be sure to get out there to see the wonderful yellow carpets in the alpine herbfields, while the Eyebrights and Clemisias are just starting to show. On your way to the lookout be sure to notice the Bog Heath and Carpet Heath starting to produce intricate, tiny white flowers. The Alpine Marsh Marigolds are still visible just before the lookout steps, along the edge of the snow drift. It won’t be long until the summit trail is scattered with all colours of the rainbow from alpine blooms.


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To access the summit hikers will pass 3 small drifts. Prior to the lookout one short and steep drift crossing is required; here caution is advised as the drift is thinning in places as the water is moving under the snow to Meritts Creek.  When the Main Range turn off meets the summit trail, just past Rawson’s Pass, the once larger drift has now melted into 2 small crossings. As days go by they are getting easier to traverse as foot traffic levels out the snow. When passing 2-way traffic step to the upper side of the track, moving to the low side may see some hikers slipping down the slope. For those seeking a more stable crossing hiking poles are recommended. Sturdy, waterproof hiking boots will also assist.

Please keep in mind the cooler climate in the alpine means nothing breaks down quickly. Biodegradable waste such as apple cores will take an extended time to decompose, not to mention create an eye sore for hikers throughout weeks to come. There are no bins along the trail. Please carry out all waste until your return to rubbish bins at either Thredbo or Charlotte Pass.

It is important to highlight NPWS currently have a Safety Alert for high altitude tracks; this is inclusive of our summit trail. The alert noting the snowdrifts require caution and pose a small risk of going off track.

For further information please contact Thredbo Guided Hikes at

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Thredbo sits on the traditional land of the Monero – Ngarigo people who have looked after this land, water and community for over 60,000 years. We thank them for all they have done and continue to do to look after their country, a special place which we all love and respect.

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